Polytrack Polytrack

PolyTrack 0.2.0


PolyTrack 0.2.0 introduces new features and improvements that enhance the racing experience with more dynamic gameplay elements and customization options. Players can now enjoy racing against ghost replays, allowing them to compete with their best times and refine their driving skills. Several new tracks have been added, expanding the variety of challenges available. In addition, the track editor has been upgraded with new parts such as smooth turns, slopes, intersections, and pillars with multiple branching options, providing even more creative possibilities for designing complex courses.


PolyTrack 0.2.0 introduces new features and improvements that enhance the racing experience with more dynamic gameplay elements and customization options. Players can now enjoy racing against ghost replays, allowing them to compete with their best times and refine their driving skills. Several new tracks have been added, expanding the variety of challenges available. In addition, the track editor has been upgraded with new parts such as smooth turns, slopes, intersections, and pillars with multiple branching options, providing even more creative possibilities for designing complex courses.

Enhanced Visuals and Performance

The update also brings visual enhancements, including background mountains that add depth to the racing environment and new smoke effects from skid marks, increasing the realism of high-speed drifts. The user interface has undergone a redesign, featuring a fresh logo and an updated font, making navigation more intuitive. Improvements to track elements and the car model enhance the overall aesthetics, ensuring a smoother and more engaging visual experience.

Several gameplay adjustments and bug fixes have been implemented to provide a seamless racing experience. The steering curve has been fine-tuned for better control, and tire audio volume has been increased for a more immersive driving feel. Additionally, issues related to the in-game timer, part selection in the editor, and collision detection have been resolved, ensuring that the gameplay remains fair and consistent.

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